Monday, July 30, 2007

Tired and Cranky

ME...that is. After several days of going,going..I'm now gone. I'm tired and crabby. I'm planning to get to bed as soon as "Hell's Kitchen" is over. Tomorrow, I take Grandma to the hearing aid place so I can learn how to put them in. She's had these aids for several years and doesn't wear them. It's really annoying to have to yell all the time and still she doesn't understand. Hopefully, this will help.
The consultant came today to evaluate Grandma's apartment. He was very pleased. He did offer some good suggestions, though. He has a device that will help her get in and out of the car. One to raise her seat so that it's easier for her to get up. Then, of course, the grab bars. It will end up costing a couple hundred dollars, but I think it'll be well worth it. Especially if I don't have to trade in my car for a mini van. :)
The director of the healthcare company, Jodi,came today. We went over Grandma's needs and my expectations. It sounds very promising. I'm really looking forward to meeting Grandma's nurse. We set up a schedule for the month. This is a relief because it guarantees I get some time away. So far, I've been here every waking moment.
Today, probably because I'm crabby, little things really annoyed me. For example, Grandma was picking at her fingernails. This drives me insane. Not just when she does it, in general. So, hopefully a good nights rest, and maybe some medication, will improve my mood for tomorrow.

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